教育系列讲座 III:"名牌大学录取导航"
- 哈佛面试官和加大招生评估专家如是说”

  为人父母的你,从你的孩子跨进幼儿园那一刻起,你就等待着你的孩子被高校录取的那一天。经过十几年的辛苦奋斗和等待,你的孩子终于要申请学校了!尽管你的孩子成绩优秀,但是你对怎样指导他们发掘并包装自己还是一无所知。或许你更想知道怎样被名校顺利录取的秘密. 为了满足湾区广大家长们的这些需要,我们校联会教育工作小组在继儿童青少年心理发展与家庭教育讲座和在当前经济形势下怎样把握职场要点讲座之后,鼎力推出关于如何准备万无一失的高校申请一“录取内幕大揭密”讲座!该讲座于十二月五日(星期六)举行。时间是下午一点到三点,地点在南湾,20600 Mariani Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014。

#1 “College Admissions: Navigating the System” (in English); By Ms. Heather Chang, the Harvard Interviewer

Ms. Chang has been working as a college admissions consultant for the past 4 years and Harvard alumni interviewer for 10 years. Under her advisory, a number of students in the Bay Area got into their dream college, including Harvard, Columbia, MIT, UC Berkeley and UCLA. Her academic background includes The College Preparatory School, Harvard University, and Northeastern University School of Law. Ms. Chang is also a full-time practicing attorney, former educator, and former Asian-American Coordinator for Harvard's Undergraduate Minority Recruitment Program.

In this session, Ms. Chang will share her insights on application process, how to write on the essay and how to outshine during the interview.

#2 “The University of California Undergraduate Admissions Policy” (in Chinese); By Dr. Tongshan Chang, institutional research coordinator

Dr. Chang currently works on admissions research and evaluation in the Office of Institutional Research, the University of California Office of the President. Dr Change received Ed. D. in Higher Education Administration from West Virginia University, Master in Computer Science from West Virginia University, and Bachelor in English from Shaanxi Normal University.

In this session, Dr. Chang will provide insider’s view of the UC admission policy as well as UC selective admission process.


1:00PM ~ 1:30PM: #1 “College Admissions: Navigating the System”
- Application: Where to Start, What to Do, Where to Go
- Essays: How and What to Write
- Interviews: How to Present Yourself in the Best Light

1:30PM ~ 2:00 PM #2 “The University of California Undergraduate Admissions Policy”

2:00PM ~ 2:30PM Q&A

2:30PM ~ 3:00PM Group Discussion/Networking

Please register via email with # of people attending by November 30th, 2009 to ucaancorg@yahoo. com (请有意参加者务必于11月30日前以电子邮件形式 ucaancorg@yahoo. com 告知参加人数)

何想让孩子进入加州大学, 想进入哈佛大学有哪些门道? 由中国高等院校校友会联合会举办的 名牌大学录取导航教育讲座於125日在库柏蒂奴成功举行. 160多位来自湾区的家长, 高中生参加了讲座 整个会场挤得水泄不通,连过道也站满了听众.。可见孩子的教育是多麽牵动人心。 

哈佛面试官, 哈佛大学入学的顾问, Heather Chang从如何在高中的学习, 本人的爱好到申请论文的写作和如何对付面试官等一一进行了详细介绍, 还当场邀请学生做面试示范。在她的咨询和指导下, 湾区众多的学生己进入了一流的大学, 包括哈佛,哥伦比亚大学,麻省理工学院,加州大学伯克利分校和加州大学洛杉矶分校。具哈佛大学和东北大学法学院学历背景的张女士也是一个专职执业律师,前教育家,前亚洲和美国的哈佛大学的本科生招募少数族裔计划协调员(heather_chang@ yahoo.com) 

对於大部分居住在加州的家长和学生, 很想知道在教育经费被削减, 入学政策要调整情况下, 如何能顺利进入加州大学入学. 美国加利福尼亚大学本科招生政策和大学招生体制研究协调员,也是加州大学校长办公室招生研究和评估官员的Tongshan Chang, 介绍了加州大学入学政策以及加州大学的招生程序, 高中期间是否完成加州大学所要求的课程是一个重要首席条件, 考试成绩, 个人特殊艺才和卓越特长都是很好的优势. 他还对新生择优录取的标准也作了详细地介绍。 (tongshan.chang@ gmail.com)  

上面专家讲得精彩,下面 听众听得十分认真,很多人都仔细地作了笔记。面对反应热烈, 踊跃提问的家长和学生, 两位专家也耐心细致地一一回答各位听众所关心的问题。原定於三点结束的讲座, 延续到三点半.,而会后仍有众多家长和学生继续提问直到四点多。  与会者交口称赞并感谢校联会为广大校友提供如此高水平又切合实际需要的免费讲座,令大家受益匪浅。